Sunday, February 8, 2009

These are some photos I took of Dave and Andrea on February.7, 09. It was all lot of fun and I hope they and you enjoy them.

I havnt shown you all of them If Andrea or Dave could contact me for the rest that would be great. - my email

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

These are some photos I took with chris last night It was alot of fun and I hope you enjoy them all.

This is Hannah We have decided that one day she will be a lava life model.


Maya is my little sis aswell as mercy above and Hannah.


Hannah looks like someone told her some very juicy gossip.

Maya just took out her cornrolls from her hair after Mexico can you tell?

These are her cornrolls before she took them out.

Black and white is the way to roll.

This is meara she was very hard to get still .

By the way this is the first time me and chris could ever get mercy to pose so eat it all up.

Maya papaya

This is Francis. I love this shot and its great because he missed scool picture day.

I am 78.9 percent sure that francis will become a male model. :)
Well I hope you enjoyed the pictures I know that I said I would have Mexico pictures up but I havnt had time to upload them these photos can be an appetizer for you.